I am in the middle of testing this: https://github.com/docker-archive/communitytools-image2docker-win, converting a VHD to a Docker Image. But based on what I am reading, it will only install features based on "Assets" that I choose. For some reason I can only choose one.
My assumption from converting VHD to Docker is that it will take the base image that I provide (e.g., mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2019), and install the services based on the asset, but not based on other things that I have such as windows services, task scheduled jobs, etc.
My question: Is it possible to convert my whole VHD into a Docker Image? I would fully suspect it would be possible with a little bit of in the VM Pre-Prep. But how?
Please share your experiences, good or bad, and if you have had success doing this, what references you have used.