PROXY is not working inside windows container
I'm using windows containers in windows 10. I've set proxy variables(HTTP_PROXY,HTTPS_PROXY) in environmental variable setup and using VPN. I also configured resources -> Proxies.I was trying to...
View ArticleBuilding a docker container with multiple conda envs
As a novice to the technology I have only a basic knowledge regarding how to build and deploy a docker so i was hoping someone could provide some help.The situation is the following:I need to create a...
View ArticleSpecify image in Dockerfile based on building client platform/architecture
I have a somewhat specific, Swift-based problem.It seems that none of the official Swift images on Dockerhub support the M1, and instead the only seemingly reliable arm64 Swift images are found at...
View ArticleHow do I create a Docker image from a container without configuration changes?
I am aware of two ways of creating Docker images:Build the image using a DockerfileUse docker commit <container_id> against a running container with changes.I find changing a Dockerfile each time...
View ArticleDocker warning about platform not matching the host platform
I have a Dockerfile that works on both mac and windows.But when I create an actual container on mac, I always get a warning that says:PS /Users/me/> docker run -it platformtest /bin/bashWARNING: The...
View ArticleHow do I run a CI build in a docker image matching the current `Dockerfile`...
Given a repository containing a Dockerfile that defines the build environment used by the CI pipeline as well as by the developer (e.g. as a Visual Studio Code devcontainer), the CI pipeline shall...
View ArticleCan't change ownership of folders and files in Docker containers
I am having these two dockerfiles which in both I am adding the command RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html to change the ownership to www-data user. The containers seems to build successfully...
View ArticleUnable to understand Docker error
I am new to Docker and trying to run a webserver written in Python. I am using Linux Debian running as virtual machine on a Windows host. I have mounted the required folder from my Windows host to the...
View ArticleDocker push getting error EOF to private repository
I'm trying to push images to repo private, but it's getting error below. Before, it was working, but idk what happened...PS C:\Users\user\aplication> docker push The...
View ArticlePrevent docker to write inside container
I have an extracted container deployed on a shared storage, and want to launch this container locally. However, when I launch this container to run an application, it creates some temporary files...
View Articlenode_modules is several orders of magnitude bigger inside the container...
I have a simple Next project in Docker following the common recommendations for small-size containers. Heres my Dockerfile:FROM node:16-alpine as dependenciesWORKDIR /appCOPY package.json ./COPY...
View ArticleBase image can not be fetched within Dockerfile build but can be fetched from...
Client: Docker Engine - CommunityVersion: 24.0.6OS: RHEL8I want to build an existing docker compose project on a new VM. The docker compose project consists of two containers db and web.I have to go...
View Articledocker | database connection refused between two containers
I have a mysql database running with the following docker-compose.yml:version: '3.3' services: db: image: mysql:5.7 restart: always environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: 'demo' # So you don't have to use root,...
View Articleexporting Mikrotik as an OS
how can I export license "mikrotik" platform as a Docker image file?I boot a OVF file in Virtual machine and I need a command in router OS for build a docker image.
View Articlecannot import OpenCV in a Docker container in Raspberry Pi
I am trying to build a Docker container in Raspbian 10.FROM python:3.5-busterRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install apt-utils -yRUN apt-get install python-opencv -yRUN apt-get install python3-opencv...
View ArticleConda environment in docker
I am new to dockerization and I am trying to make a docker image out of git repository. The Dockerfile looks like this,FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latestENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1ENV...
View ArticleDocker Compose: How do you build an image while running another container?
I'm trying to build a Nuxt 3 application using docker compose. However, I'm having trouble with docker compose and dockerfile configuration.ContextTo give background on the project that I'm working on,...
View ArticleUnderstanding Docker layers
We have the following block in our Dockerfile:RUN yum -y updateRUN yum -y install epel-releaseRUN yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"RUN yum -y install python-pip git mysql-devel libxml2-devel...
View ArticleHow to remove directories and files in another layer using Docker? [duplicate]
Why this question?The reason for posting this Q&A is that sometimes certain software is required to compile software in a docker image. Once compiled, these packages are superfluous and should be...
View Articlehow to decrease the docker image layers latency during the image build step?
I am following the Microsoft document to create a custom image of vsts-agent on top of ubuntu and install the required capabilities.Since our environment is not having internet enabled, we used certain...
View ArticleCan't connect to local mongoDB from Docker Container
I have mongodb running in the host machine (Ubuntu 23.04) in the default port. I have set the bind_ip to be In my docker-compose file, I have addedextra_hosts: -...
View ArticleDocker Desktop - WSL distro termined abruptly [closed]
I'm on Windows 10 with Docker Desktop and I get this error every time i'm trying to create the image from this dockerfile:# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1FROM nvidia/cuda:11.3.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04#...
View ArticleTroubles with mapping ports on a very simple Docker container
I'm new to Docker and following a tutorial on The turtorial has me setting and running a very simple container.Docker File# Specify a base imageFROM node:alpine# Putting files into a...
View ArticleMultistage docker build for Python distroless image
This is my Dockerfile for distroless image similar to this exampleFROM python:3.9-slim AS build-venvRUN python3 -m venv /venv # other installation steps go hereRUN /venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip...
View Articlebulding docker image for an arm32v7 processor
I managed to build a working docker image on my development laptop, but got an exec format error when I tried to run the docker image on the PC that the container shall run on.My dev PC is an ubuntu 24...
View ArticleIntermittent Firefox Installation Failure in Docker CI
I have a docker image to install firefox, that runs as expected locally but fails intermittently on CI. Firefox doesn't get installed, this is what I am doing.FROM node:20RUN wget -O firefox.tar.bz2...
View ArticleRun Docker with same user as on local host and own mounted folders
I have a local folder (code) on my system, which belongs to my user.The local folder path is something like this:- home-- my_user---- work------ projects-------- codeI want to run a Docker container...
View ArticleHow do I install BlackDuck on mac?
I am trying to scan container images using the blackdock scanning tool. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any free version to play around with; please provide guidance and the simplest way to scan the...
View ArticleHow can I get the Docker target platform inside the Build Environment /...
I'm doing multi-platform builds with buildx and would like to know if there is a way to determine what platform is currently being build so I can avoid certain steps for certain environments.For...
View ArticlePackage installed using Dockerfile not available on Jenkins pipeline stage
I'm having sort of a weird problem with my Jenkins pipeline. I've defined a Dockerfile which installs some tools I need for my CI/CD pipeline, such as node, npm, sfdx, and sfpowerkit (a plugin for...
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