So I have this Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8u212-jre-alpineLABEL maintainer "cowboy_patrick"RUN apk add --no-cache -U \ openssl \ imagemagick \ lsof \ su-exec \ shadow \ bash \ curl iputils wget \ git \ jq \ python \ tzdata \ rsync \ nano \ sudo \ knock \ ttf-dejavuEXPOSE 25565 25565COPY minecraft /root/minecraftWORKDIR /root/minecraftRUN chmod +x /root/minecraft/start_minecraft.shCMD /root/minecraft/
This just copies an existing world into an alpine with java and executes some prewritten scripts, I had written for running it on a vps (doing automatic backups etc.)
When I execute it with
docker run --network host -p 25565:25565 --name mcs mcserver
I can see the following in the container-dashboard:
For good measures you can see my console-output here but it's pretty standard. Just a minecraft-server that boots up.
The only thing I don't understand is why the connection gets refused when I try to join localhost:25565:
Does anyone have an idea on how I can allow this connection? And in extent allow connections from outside my machine (assuming that port-formwarding and everything works).